Count Down

The Contellation PiscesPreview

2012 Is the Ends the Age of Pisces and the beginning of The Aquarius Age. Each Astrological Age is said to be about 2,150 years Long. Esoteric Christian tradition, which is believed to be at the beginning of the Aquarius Age, a Major Discovery for Human beings and is said to be so dramatic that the discovery brings forward true and real knowledge…. Jesus speaks about this in Matt 13:11 and Luke 8:10

Articles By Tiffoney Greene

These Are Articles Written by Tiffoney Greene

Lost America; the Depletion of Religion


Tiffoney Greene

Phoenix University
Utilizing Information in College Writing COM125
Professor Paul Jessen

July 12, 2007

Lost America; the Depletion of Religion

     Lost America; the Depletion of Religion and the effects we see from it. America is loosing the religious structure and diminishing in moral standards, in which we were founded upon. The effects from the religious breakdown are sending our country into a dark seeded immoral whirl wind, in which, there is no recovery. Our laws were based on the laws; in which God gave us to follow, however, the threat of God being removed and stripped from America is prevalent in today’s society. George Washington once stated that no nation can prevail without a ‘Religious foundation’. Our Judaism and Christianity religious heritage was the underlined structure for American’s laws and moral standards.
.   Psalms 35 was used as a prayer, for the first Act of Congress, September 7,1774. However, the general public does not realize, there were many different religions in America at that time. But it was the Christian / Judaism Regions, in which this country was formed from. Members of congress debated over which prayer to us for the First Act of Congress and it was Tomas Jefferson who insisted that Psalms 35 be read. When the  book from Psalms was read that day, it was read before an assortment of religions  but everyone had the same effect from the prayer regardless of their religion.  It was reported that there was not a dry eye in the building after Psalms 35 was read.  It was at that time, that the Christian / Judaism religion put it’s thumb print on our heritage.      Later, when Tomas Jefferson completed the Declaration on Independence, the members of congress refused to sign it, until God was mentioned two more times. There are four names in the declaration of independence that are references to God, they are: The Creator, Author, The Judge and Divine Providence. Our fore-fathers realized the importance of God and religious structure, as well as, implemented the belief of God in our heritage. We were founded as “One nation under God” and we are becoming a nation without God.
     George Washington, fore-seen and spoke about the loss of interest in American heritage and the depletion of moral standards in generations to come. This statement was made in his Farewell speech. Novack, (2006) stated, “Every generation can throw it away. Every generation must reflect and choose.” It seems that our generation is choosing to strip God from what is his.   
     We can see the depletion of the importance of religion; starting with the separation of church and state. Although, the church was considered top priority by our fore-fathers, however; today’s perception of church lacks dedication and priority. The separation of church and state has opened the gates, to an immoral God stripping flood, which has caused damage on our society. The removal of the Ten Commandments from courthouses was an indescribable blow to the religious community .When the founders of this country wrote and implemented America’s laws, they were influenced and a reference from the Christian/ Judaism religion. The Ten Commandments is the inspiration behind our laws today. Our forefather believed in the importance of religious structure and incorporated that belief into our laws, as well as America’s moral standards. The Christian/ Judaism religion was the backbone in this countries formation and it provided us with the guidelines we needed in-order to have a moral society.

The same laws our fore-fathers made, in reference to the laws God made for us, in-turn was used to remove the Ten Commandments. In my opinion, our founders did not write our laws and reference God; only to have him stripped from us at a later date Although, the founders of this country realized the importance of religious structure, as well as, took actions in-order to protect it, however; it was the scrutiny and the misinterpretation of the First Amendment that allowed for the separation of the church and state ruling to happen.. Dreisbach. (2006) stated, “We should care because the wall is all too often used to separate religion from public life, thereby promoting a religion that is essentially private and a state that is strictly secular. This would have alarmed the founders because how they viewed religion.”  The First Amendment was constructed in-order to protect our founding Religion  and preserve Americas religious structure.  However, the First Amendment is being used out of context in which it was written, in-order to  strip God and our Religious heritage from America.
    Loconte (2004) stated,” We have a largely Christian culture that honors the God-given worth of every individual.” 

     Our religious standards and beliefs affect our everyday walk. The founders of this country, through their belief in God, paved a honorable and just road for us to follow. Overlooking the discrepancy of time, our moral and standards are still the same. It is our decision whether to up-hold Gods laws and our fore-fathers plan of moral living, which has been set before us.
     Family values in America has been constantly depleting over the years. It seems that the reduction in church attendance has affected the family unit. Religious influence helps to straighten the inter circle of the family and provide structure. Years ago, when church attendance was a priority and religious dedication was prevalent in society; the family unit was stronger. Today, religious dedication is not prevalent in society, thus, making the family unit weaker and lacking in values.  Divorce rates are high and childhood delinquencies are extremely common.  Children are being raised in daycares instead of at home with their mothers and America is infected with the “Deadbeat Dad Syndrome.”  These are just mere examples of the decaying circle in which holds the family together.
     When I was a little girl, I can remember always praying in school; before class started. We prayed in school and it instills in us the honor and dedication, in which we need as adults. Now, prayer has been taken out of school we can see the problems that has come from it.  Teachers get no respect from their students unless they come from religious home and children are carrying guns to school. It was a darkened day in history when prayer was taken out of school. They took God out and let the devil in. It is our children that are under attach and influenced with the devilish deeds, in which breeds in public schools. Years ago, when prayer was in school we learned at a young age to love and respect. Now days, children respect no one and I question whether they are truly able to love.  
     Locone (2004) stated, “Freedom is not doing what we want; freedom is doing after reflection, what we know we ought to do.”   In today’s society, people are more worried about being “politically correct” instead of really standing up for what is right and just.  The lack of honor and moral virtue in this country is unimaginable. On one hand, we sit back and while our God given heritage is being stripped from us and on the other; the we expect homosexuality into our society. We know it is wrong but we except it. Politician no longer stand for moral virtue and honor. They are strictly vote driven and could careless about the dissipation of religious structure in America.  However, it was religion that made this country strong.
     The misuse of the First Amendment is very bothersome to me. The thought, in which, our military troops can not pray, in the name of Jesus; is very disturbing to me. Military Chaplin’s can longer pray with the troops and say out loud, “in the name of Jesus.”  All of these young boys going to fight in a war, in which we should not be in; I might add and are unable to pray out loud in the Name of Jesus.
     Imagine you are a young boy out of high school and you joined the military in-order to fight for the country you love. Suddenly, with out notice you are awakened during the night with the news of your departure. Knowing you will be fighting on the frontline by morning, shaken and scared you get dressed, as your hands shake uncountable at the attempt of tying the military issued steal toe boots. You look around knowing this could be the last time all of your friends will be alive and together. While, looking and etching all of their faces into your mind an uncontrollable urge to pray to your lord and savior has engulfs every fiber of your being. Now, on one knee praying for protection for you and your friends but you can not finish the prayer in the name of Jesus. For the most part, the name refrain is to keep other religions from being offended. Different cultures and religions make this country great; however, we should stand true to our heritage and the religion that made this country strong. 
     I sit with wonder how long can this country can function without the fundamentals of religious structure. Our for-fathers recognized the vital role, in which God and religion provided in the achievement of this countries success. As we clearly see, when we take God out we let the Devil in.  This is prevalent in the continuing elimination of religious structure, as well as; religious references to God.  It is due to the misinterpretation of the First Amendment that has allowed for the God stripping uproar to happen and it is wrong.  
     All we have to do is look around in our everyday lives, in-order to realize the depletion in religious structure, as well as the moral standards, in which we Americans pride ourselves on. Our entertainment contains sexuality, murders, adultery, obscene immoral acts and we welcome it every time the television is on. Divorce rates are at an all time high, church attendance are at a all time low and the amount of murders committed by children are appalling.  
      Until we have honorable trustworthy men and women to stand on the hill and proclaim our right to religious heritage, in which this country was founded upon. Nothing will change. We have to think outside the box and be willing to be politically incorrect, in-order for the issues to change. If we let them take God out of this country; who do you think will be welcomed in? There are debates whether to take, “In God we Trust,” of our money. This is just another plan in the diminishment of our religious heritage. The misuse of the First Amendment has allowed the judicial system to make attacks on America’s foundation. If we allow for the strikes against our founding foundation to happen, soon, the structure in which we know it will cave in causing religious destruction. As foundations to all things, it has to be cared for and mended or we fall in the path of destruction. America’s religious foundation is a stake; our religious heritage is at risk and in the path of elimination.      
     We as American need to stand up; for what is right and just. No longer, do we need to turn a blind eye to the diminishment of our God given heritage. How long can this nation endure with out religious structure? Are we permitting the denial of God, by not standing up for what is right? 


Novak, M.  (2006, November 6). Faith and the American: Illustrating Religion’s Influence. Retrieved June 17,2007 from The Heritage Foundation.

Loconte, J.  (2005, September 26). Why Religious Values Support American values.
Retrieved June 17,2007 from The Heritage Foundation.

Dreisbach, D. (2006 June 23). The Mythical "Wall of Separation": How a Misused Metaphor Changed Church–State Law, Policy, and Discourse.
Retrieved June 17,2007 from the Heritage Foundation.

 Novak, M.  (2006, November 6). Faith and the American: Illustrating Religion’s Influence. Retrieved June 17,2007 from The Heritage Foundation.

Novak looked deep into our religious foundation; while, explaining our Judaism and Christianity roots.

Treatment or Curse?


Tiffoney Greene

Axia of Phoenix University

Human Services in the United States   HSM 210

Dr. Wagner

Due Date: June 30, 2008

      The United States is the great melting pot of the world, where we have a wonderful assortment of cultures and races, as well as society stature. Our population is very complex, with tiers of different social standards and placement. With-in the population of the U.S. we have the wealthy, middle class and the poor. Although, the population is divided up into three different tiers, however, with-in the population of the U.S. we have a serious issue, that doesn’t care about society stature and placement. This population cancer doesn’t care if we are rich or if we are struggling to pay rent. The cancer slowly devours people of all kinds and all walks of life. Our population problem is drug addiction and everyday a new person will get this cancer.  In my opinion, this nationwide problem is an “everybody” problem not a problem only dealing with a certain race, culture or social group.
          Pharmaceutical drug addictions are growing everyday between people with chronic pain; having said this, doctors everywhere help contribute to this epidemic by over prescribing medication to patients knowing the chance of addiction.
The New York Times (1996) stated, ““Methadone poisoning, virtually unknown only a few years ago, killed nearly twice as many people as did heroin in New York City last year, according to a confidential report by Dr. Dominick J. DiMaio, the city’s Acting Chief Medical Examiner.” These statistics suggest that history, with a particularly macabre grin, may be repeating itself. Heroin was initially developed in 1898 as an antidote for morphine addiction. However this startling revelation, of widespread methadone poising sums up the impossible consequences of methadone use in the treatment of heroin users. The cure is worse an addiction is to try and cure it with another drug that is twice addictive.
     Methadone maintenance is the latest fashion of the drug rehabilitation industry. Methadone advocates propose to solve the problem of narcotics addiction by substituting a legal drug (methadone) for an illegal one (heroin). If this seems like a purely formal solution, it is one characteristic of the upside down world of drugs. Social attitudes towards drugs are a good example of confused distinctions of an essentially cultural nature hidden as medical fact or legal fiat. Good drugs are those employed in the treatment of disease. Bad drugs are those used for other purposes. How crazy is this? The reality of this just goes to show that we have the wrong perception about drugs and the cure for being addicted. Good drugs are safe; bad drugs are dangerous. Good drugs are medicine; bad drugs are narcotics, No one disputes that narcotics are dangerous. But so are many other drugs in common use that have gotten a clean bill of health. If the welfare of drug users were the primary criterion for discriminating between different types of drugs, why is the use of addictive substances like alcohol and tobacco, which both constitute greater health hazards than heroin, not only permitted but encouraged? One is tempted to suggest that drugs defined as good and safe are those manufactured and controlled by the drug companies. Drugs beyond their control, imported from foreign competitors, are bad and dangerous.
There is a substantial flow of so-called legitimate drugs like amphetamines, hallucinogens, and tranquilizers out of the United States to foreign markets. In fact, foreign sales account for about 25% of drug company profits. Compared to this, the trickle of “illicit” drugs into the United States from places like Turkey and Southeast Asia is negligible. The inflow of “hard” drugs is reprehensible. But the outflow of “soft” drugs is just good business—like the 10,000,000 capsules of Park-Davis’s chloromycetin, a dangerous drug known to produce fatal anemia, purchased by the Defense Department for the use of South Vietnamese soldiers and civilians.
Since 1914, when the Harrison Act was passed, heroin has been regarded as an illegal substance, and heroin users as criminals or, in the popular usage of pulp films like REEFER MADNESS, “dope fiends.” The effect of defining narcotic addiction as a problem of law enforcement has been to make it one. When heroin ceased to be easily available, its price skyrocketed on a new and vigorous black market. Users unable to support the cost of their habits (in the neighborhood of $10,000 to $15,000 a year) on income derived from legitimate work were forced to crime. The immense profits derived from dealing hard drugs guaranteed mob control of narcotics. What the Mafia lost through the repeal of Prohibition, it recovered through the criminalization of drug use.
The law enforcement approach to drug addiction has been a failure. In 1970, New York City narcs made 7266 “buys” that netted 4000 arrests but only 4.97 pounds of heroin were confiscated (as against an annual consumption estimated as 10,000 pounds). And most of that, as we know from the French Connection scandal, shortly reappeared on the streets courtesy of enterprising members of the NYPD. According to a government report, the United States has managed to seize only 6% of incoming heroin shipments. The heroin business has continued to thrive—despite, and perhaps because of the creation of a bloated narcotics bureaucracy and the dramatic talk of task forces, crash programs, and emergency measures. Although figures in this area tend to be unreliable, there are estimated to be anywhere from 300,000 to 600,000 heroin addicts in the United States. In the last 20 years, the number of addicts has risen by 300%; having said this, because of the rise in addicts it makes it necessary for substance abuse clinics.
     New policies and new regulations need to be in forced into the substance abuse realm and stop treating Americans as if we are genii pigs or lab rats, while distributing a much more addictive drug to addicts trying to cure an addiction to begin with. I personally question the whole treatment arrangement and policy.



New York Times(1996). Methadone the New Treatment for Addiction.
     Retrieved on June 28, 2008 from the New York Times

Overpopulation Has Negative Effects on the Environment


Tiffoney Greene

Axia of Phoenix University
Environmental Science SCI 275

Instructor JANE ST. CLAIR

Due: December 9, 2007

  Overpopulation is a serious problem that is growing every year, every minute, and every second. It is the root of most, if not all, of the world’s problems. It is the greatest global crisis facing humanity in the twenty-first century. Overpopulation is the major global problem because of several reasons. Most of the problems we have today, such as ocean over-consumption, food shortages, water shortages, air pollution, water pollution, as well as global warming are the effects of overpopulation. According to FAIR, The Federation for American Reform, “Since 1970, our population has grown by over 85 million people. Over half of our current high rate of population growth is due to new immigration and the children born to immigrants here.” The more people there are, the more resources consumed and the more waste created. Freshwater, drinkable water is the most critical natural resource to humans. The World Fact Book (2007) reported,” Air pollution resulting in acid rain in both the US and Canada; the US is the largest single emitter of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels; water pollution from runoff of pesticides and fertilizers; limited natural fresh water resources in much of the western part of the country require careful management; desertification.” As time goes by, the world’s population expands more rapidly, but there is no more freshwater on the Earth than there was two thousand years ago, when the population was three percent of its current size today. Overpopulation has also increased industrial development, which contributes to massive urbanization and rising of living standards. We humans are increasing the greenhouse gas levels by burning fossil fuels and deforesting the earth. As a population grows, atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases rise rapidly which affect the ability of the outgoing energy to pass through the atmosphere; by saying this, the Earth heats up. However, another predicament is the acid rain created by air pollution, which in-turn, is created by the increasing population. Acid rain’s spread and damage involves weather, soil, and the life cycles of plants and animals on the land. Acid rain also eats away at important historical monuments and statues. The Statue of Liberty is currently being eaten away by acid rain.  This form of pollution has been going on for many years and getting worse; in some places it is destroying forests and contributing to the death of fish.
      Air pollution is created from the burning of fossil fuels in cars, trucks, planes, and homes. Overpopulation not only causes traffic jams but also expels a large amount of CO2 in to the atmosphere. Lambort (2007) stated, “Fossil fuels burned to run cars and trucks, heat homes and businesses, and power factories are responsible for about 98% of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions, 24% of methane emissions, and 18% of nitrous oxide emissions. Increased agriculture, deforestation, landfills, industrial production, and mining also contribute a significant share of emissions. The United States emits about one-fifth of total global greenhouse gases.”

The more people there are the more cars, trucks and planes are being used, therefore the more pollution we have.
     Ocean and fresh water resources are effected by our over population problem. Water is the most important natural resource needed for all life and overpopulation has harmful effects on the precious liquid.  The ocean is used for many different reasons; such as commercial fishing, transporting, and amusement. A higher population requires a bigger
demand on fish and other seafood products, which can lead to over-consumption as well as harm the sea dwelling ecosystem. Natural habitats of sea animals and plants are disrupted or destroyed due to over fishing. Pollution from ships also harms aquatic plants and animals. Bolt (2007) stated, “The average Alaska-bound cruise ship generates about 28,000 gallons of sewage sludge during the seven-day jaunt from Seattle, according to port staff. From May to September of this year, 150 cruises are bound for Alaska from the Port of Seattle,” as well as, “they will generate about 4.2 million gallons of sewage sludge. That's not even counting the 50-plus other cruise ships sailing through Seattle next year.”  Sewage being dumped into water ways can spawn serious illnesses, while providing a breeding ground for bacteria. More (2006) stated, “Currently, 1.1 billion people consume unclean water while 90-95% of all sewage and 70% of all industrial wastes are dumped untreated into surface waters.” Overpopulation not only destroys the aquatic ecosystem, animals and vegetation is kills, as well as, contaminating drinking water. Sewage contains bacteria from human intestine, which can be harmful to humans and animals. These harmful bacteria must be removed along with chemicals such as soap and detergent to make them safe enough to be released into the river. If sewage were released into rivers before being treated it would no doubt kill any inhabitants in the river.
Some bacteria cause diseases such as typhoid and cholera when they get inside human intestine. The human waste passed by those suffering of the disease will contain the harmful bacteria. If these bacteria was released into rivers and got into drinking water the diseases could be spread to hundreds of people.
Nappier, Lawrence and Schwab (2007) informed us, “Nearly 2 million people--most of them children under five--die every year from diarrhea diseases. That statistic is not surprising when you realize just how much dirty water flows, or in many cases lies stagnant, across the continents. Nearly 20 percent of the 6.6 billion people in the world lack access to a supply of clean water, and 40 percent lack safe sanitation facilities. No new headlines there: as far back as 1981 the United Nations recognized the need for improved water supplies and sponsored a water-themed decade through 1990, in hopes of rallying international aid. Yet the percentage of people who have sufficient access to clean water supplies has remained fairly static.” Humans, animals and vegetation are affected by water pollution. Overpopulation contributes to water pollution as well as over-consumption.
   Kerasote(1997) reported, “ In the meantime, millions of people will continue to emigrate from the developing world. In 1996, 915,000 people came into the U.S. legally. The Immigration and Naturalization Service won't estimate the number of annual illegal immigrants, but claims that as of 1997 there were 5 million, living in the U.S., the majority of who settle in cities, taxing health, welfare, law-enforcement and educational services. As a consequence, well-off urbanites head to places with lower population densities and cleaner air and water. Recently, those desti-nations have been the Pacific Northwest, the Rocky Mountains and the Southwest--the fastest-growing regions in the nation.” He also informed us, “Here are 6 billion mouths to feed on the planet today.. It's unlikely; however, that growth in food production will continue to match growth in population. Scarcities in arable land, failing water tables and the inability of crops to
absorb and utilize much more fertilizer are predicted to reduce crop surpluses. Numerous countries around the world will become grain importers, driving up grain prices worldwide and creating incentives for U.S. farmers to increase production. Hedgerows, shelter belts and the millions of acres of grasslands now set aside in the Conservation Reserve Program could all fall under the plow, resulting in a loss of wildlife habitat.”
        We have to recycle or store all of the wastes we produce, and we only have one planet's worth of land and water to provide resources for agriculture, energy, and other needs. However, for this to work, it is all dependable on two primary factors: the number of people on each country and the average amount of resources available person and the average amount of pollution produced. Thus, the average standard of living in each country is related to the resources available, because the more people, the more pollution is produced, and more resources are used. Therefore, if a strategy can be developed to lessen the ecological footprint per person it can be a very beneficial way of lessening the demand of Earth’s natural resources, and a more aware mindset of the effects of overpopulation in the present and future of our generation.
      We need to educate the public on resource conservation, family planning and emigration policies. The U.S. Census reports, “The U.S. average fertility rate is currently 2.1335 births per woman, the U.S.’s highest fertility rate since 1971. (For comparison, the United Kingdom’s fertility rate is 1.7, Canada's is 1.4, and Germany's is


However, government funding for more family planning education not only for U.S. born citizens, but also for emigrants, in-order to inform them.
Over population in this country is causing an increase in energy usage, which is putting strain on our power companies. Our power companies are causing pollution to our land, water and air, as well as contributing to global warming. The need for renewable energy is at hand. Non-renewable energy resources, such as our power plants contribute to green house gases and this leads to global warming; not to mention it strips natural resources from the Earth and causes pollution. Renewable energy resources do not pollute or strip natural resources from the Earth or contribute to Global Warming.
     Methods to conserve or help the environment can start with each of us. We personally can help with energy usage. By cutting off lights and routine maintenance on hot water heaters would help in our nonrenewable energy surge. However, renewable energy resources would be optimal in this time of crisis. We could push for the use for solar panels in our homes, works and businesses. The use of wind renewable resources would be great in windy places and Hydro power could be used in places with lakes or fast running streams.  U.S. Department of Energy (2007) sated, “Representing important technology transfer from Department of Energy (DOE) labs to the marketplace, DOE today announced the successful one-year operation of the first generation “Super Boiler,” which can deliver 94 percent thermal efficiency, while producing fewer emissions than conventional boiler technologies.” The government could help with more of this tested in-order to find out the best source of renewable energy. Educating the public and providing more funding for prototypes to be built and tested. An incentive plan could be implemented by the government in-order to persuade big businesses to use renewable energy, as well as help for home owners who would like to convert over to renewable energy, such as solar panels.
     If we all work together, together we have a chance to change and save our planet.

 BOLT  Kristen, (2007). Cruise ship waste. Cruise ship waste. : All
     ashore?. Retrieved December 7, 2007, from

Carbon fund. Org . (2007). Reduce what you can. Offset what you 
     can’t. Retrieved December 7, 2007, from

Kerasote Ted (1997). People pressure. Effect of growing human population on wildlife.      
     Retrieved December 7, 2007   from General OneFile via Gale:

More  Jane, (2006). Sierra club . Sierra Club. Retrieved December 4, 2007


Nappier, S P, Lawrence, R S, & Schwab, K J (Nov 2007). Dangerous waters: twenty
     of the people on Earth lack access to clean water. And even that dismal number is
     likely to grow. Natural History, 116, 9. p.46(4). Retrieved December 09,
      2007, from General OneFile via Gale:

The Department of Energy (2007). Department of Energy Lauds Highly Efficient   
        Industrial Technology. Received December 1, 2007 from



Controversial Television Advertising and the Effects on Our Children

Tiffoney Greene

Phoenix University
COM/120   Effective Persuading Writing
Professor Tom Greco
Due Date: May,20, 2007

      Close your eyes and imagine a world filled of happiness, as well as, peace. The earth is surrounded by love, while everyone is friendly and kind. Our children can run and play, while happiness dances in their eyes and politeness bounces off of their lips. The words community and wellness echoes in the wind, as love and giving embraces every ones hearts, while compassion and true friendship fills the air. In this world family values are importance and applied, as well as, good morals and self respect are honored.  This is a world, were there is no such thing as; hurt; anger, destruction, or hate and we are all free, without worries or fear.
     Now, open your eyes to the world, in which, we live in. The earth is surrounded by violence, while everyone is depressed and sad. Our children hurt one another, while anger glares in their eyes and disrespect bounces off their lips. The words community and wellness are gone with the wind, while compassion and true friendship are rarely found. In our world family values are stripped and distorted, as well as, the dissipation of good morals and self respect. In this world hurt, anger, destruction and hate are prevalent and we all live in fear and worry.
     In my opinion, television has added to the destruction of American values and standards. With all the, Controversial television advertising, I am concerned about the negative impact television has bestowed on our youth today; this generation has depleted in morals, family values and our children are suffering.

Controversial Television Advertising and the Effects on Our Children

     The constant battle between television networks, as well as, advertising companies and their endorsers, while trying to persuade the viewer in their direction, in turn, they have incorporated an extreme amount of adult content into their ads. Due to the importance for television ratings, inappropriate commercials are shown all day, with no restrictions, as far as, our children are concerned. Violent natured ads are shown, in order to enhance the number of viewers. These commercials include murder, showing someone being shot and bleeding, while leaving the parents to explain to their children it is not real. Children who see violence, including murder become numb and no longer respect human life. The OJJDP, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (2006) stated, In 2005, law enforcement agencies were able to identify the offender in about two-thirds (64%) of all reported homicides in the U.S. As a result, 1,070 juveniles were implicated in 840 murders in 2005.  Being influenced by violent ads, children begin to act out what they have viewed, as well as, become violent to their siblings, family pets and also their parents. OJJDP (2006) states; between 2002 and 2005, the juvenile weapons arrest rate grew 27 percent. Kerby Anderson, president of Probe Ministries International stated, “The average child watches eight-thousand televised murders and one hundred thousand acts of violence before finishing elementary school. That number more than doubles by the time he or she reaches the age eight-teen.”  There is an old saying, “We are what we eat,” could it be that we become what we view? The emotional effects that children incur from watching violent natured television advertising are very disturbing, as well as, concerning for parents. They begin to express fear and worry. Children’s perception of society becomes horrible because they begin believing the world outside is as bad as they have viewed on television.   Some youth may become introverts and afraid of society, therefore, crippling there ability to enjoy life, as well as, live their life to the fullest. This is sad and disturbing for parents everywhere.  Children are being stripped of their innocents and are being molded into heartless monsters, due to influence of the media. It is common for children to express worry and fear over everyday situations because of the televised violence. Some even refrain from school activates and social gatherings because of the misconception on society, in which, the media has placed their unrealistic view.
     Television ads portray the American family as being dysfunctional; while stripping away family values.  Jamie Plummer (1997) stated, American families have a diversity of competing, even conflicting, values.”  While, showing children disrespecting their parents and using bad language; these television ads are instilling bad morals in our kids. This is becoming a national crisis, we do not see it on the news but every household in America is experiencing it. Our children have become disobedient and foul mannered, as well as, showing no respect to authority.  Parents constantly work hard to instill good morals in to their children, while the bad influences of television advertising counter acts their teachings and children are left confused. 

Although, children know right from wrong, the media makes it glamorous to disrespect, as well as, dishonor their parent and care givers. This is a national cry for help. What happened to respect our elders or honor thy father and thy mother?  Television has desecrated the values; we Americans stand for, while our children stand in the cross fire. Our children are learning to lie, cheat and steal from television ads, in which, made for adult entertainment at our children’s expense.  We spend too much time accepting what is wrong, than standing up for what is right. It is wrong for the media to influence our children to become cold hearted people, while their only purpose is to gather television ratings.
     Our children are being exposed to adult sexual contented ads, in which, displays adults in a sex oriented situation, as well as, advertising for products needed when having sex. There are many effects that are bestowed on preteens, as well as, teenagers experience from viewing these adult contented ads.  Sexual contented ads cause youth to become curious about sex; which may lead to them having sex at a premature at a young age. This bad influence may cause them to become promiscuous, in which will lead to unwanted pregnancies, as well as, a rise in abortions. Seven hundred and fifty thousand (750,000) teen girls get pregnant each year. Thirty-one percent of young women get pregnant at least once before they turn twenty, reported by The Division of Reproductive Health.
       We have to consider that treat of sexual transmitted disease, due to the prevalence of being promiscuous because teens are being over exposed to sexual contented ads. The CDC, The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, (2005) reported, there are Four-thousand, eight hundred and sixty-five deaths to children under the age of thirteen, due to being infected with HIV/AIDS.  But wait there is more, The CDC, also reported, There are six thousand, seven-hundred and ninety-two, children under the age of thirteen, who are living with HIV/AIDS.  This is a very scary thought but worst than that; it is reality. The sexual influence created by television can be noticed in teens, many different ways, including: the way they are dressed, how they carry themselves, down to the make up they put on.  We can talk to our kids about having sex and the important of waiting, mean while, they are being influenced in the other direction every time the TV is turned on. These ads take away from the real act of making love and turn it into something meaningless and with out value. How can we, as parents, instill good morals and values in our children, while television engulfs them with immoral conduct, as well as, a careless sexual perception?
     Television networks and adverting companies have contributed to the desegregation of American values, while our children are being influenced with immoral behavior, instilling them with disrespectfulness and engulfed in sexuality. We no longer need to accept what is wrong in this world; however, we need to stand up for what is right and good. Protect the innocent, which are our children, in turn, they can sleep with out worry and fear of violence.
     We need to stop the misconceptions, in which, the media has provided and has corrupted this generation, change the loss of childhood innocents, just because television networks battle over ratings. We need to make a stand and come together as parents. Challenge the television networks, let them know we will not lie down and let them destroy this generation. My children are worth it: aren’t yours?

Lilo T. Strauss, M.A., Joy Herndon, M.S., Jeani Chang, M.P.H., Wilda Y. Parker
Sonya V. Bowens, M.S., Suzanne B. Zane, D.V.M., Cynthia J. Berg, M.D.(2004)Abortion Surveillance ---
Division of Reproductive Health
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

1Glynn M, Rhodes P. Estimated HIV prevalence in the United States at the end of 2003. National HIV Prevention Conference; June 2005; Atlanta. Abstract 595.

Snyder, H. & Sickmund, M. (2006). Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 2006 National Report, Chapter 3. Washington, D.C.: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Kerby Anderson(1997). Violence in Society. Probe Ministries

Plummer J.(1997). TV ratings(television program rating systems).
Consumers’ Research Magazine 80n. March 1997:36(1).

 Bitter waters

Bitter Waters
(True Story)

By: Tiffoney Greene

Published Date: 5/17/2001

1470River run Rd
Selma NC, 27576

“No, mommy, the waters too cold!” the little girl cried as five gallon buckets of well drawn bath water was dumped over her and her brother. “Stop that crying!” her mother demanded, “It will all be over with in a minute,” as she lathers up a washrag. “Here, wash yourselves and make sure you get every where,” she directed, while handing them a washrag to share. The cold winter breeze tussled her curly blonde hair as she looked down at her children shivering in the winter wind. Their mother’s beautiful blue eyes where unattached from her children, as if she has been desensitized from her children feelings.
Long ice-cycles hang overhead, as squeaky sounds from the well wheel fill the air with each turn it made. While more water was being drawn-up from the well, the children silently cry and wash their cold wet bodies. Shaking and shivering they share the washrag and lather up their little bodies with soap. Tears crystallize on their faces as the winter wind leaves its impressions on their skin.

“Okay, here we go,” the mother prepared the children, as she reached for the five-gallon bucket. Teeth chattering, they take a deep breath as their mother dumped another bucket over them. Thousands of needles pierce every little inch of their wet, frozen, tiny little bodies. The siblings wail out in anguish, as soap bubbles gather around their feet, while soaking the gray painted old porch of the plantation house.
“Run, Tris, run!” the little girl cried out to her younger brother, as she runs bare bodied; slipping and sliding, to the backdoor of the old farm house with hope of dry clothes.

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What Do you think? What's your opinion? Brain storm..Let'stalk..


You ask, How can One Deceive All Nations????
My Answer, They took away the tools
we needed to learn the truth; in the beginning~!!

How could One Insure Victory in the End?
My Answer, take away the truth in-order
to insure victory!!

Well, NOT ANYMORE!~!! Drink this in People!
If you have questions, contact me at
I will be doing bible studies, speaking arrangements teaching
the truth, ect...

Prepare our End is Near....

What Time is it???

Age or AEON

Now, My ad was to give free bible study for those who want to learn because we are living in the end time~! Jesus said know your signs, do you know your signs? (Matt 24:36) “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, not angels of heaven, but my Father only.” There are many scriptures that indicate the rapture, now this becomes a sticky situation because some scholars believe it to be the rapture of the church, however, I or my opinion, I believe Matt. 24:38-44, is describing the rapture of man and not the church but others would beg to differ. (Matt24: 38-44) “ 38For as in the days as before the flood [The flood of the days of Noah] they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that No-e entered the ark. 39 and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. On that day, everything will be normal and everyone will be carrying on their everyday lives, doing their normal routines when the great rapture will happens. Oh, Jesus comes and gets his chosen ones BEFORE the tribulation. 40”Then shall two be in the field one will be taken , and the other left. 41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken and the other one left.”Okay, this describes the rapture. Now, 42-44 Is telling us to know the signs, live each days as our last and a good servant is always ready for his master to come home; in other words, always be ready for our Lord’s return. You can look that up yourself~!

Now, why would the mere word “age” be important? Yes, Jesus said know your signs but what did our Lord say about ‘age’?

Jesus said he would return at the end of the age, which originally was, I will return at the end of the Time

1. I will teach you about “age.”Age is translated from the Greek word ‘AEON’ meaning “relative time duration, limited or unlimited, indicating a period of time.” AEON has been use in our Bible for telling ‘eternity’ and this is interesting AEON also is used in Greek translation to representation meaning “KOSMOS”- now, when “KOSMOS” is then translated into English meaning “World Order” Oh, it gets better, depending on the version you have, KJV, ‘world order’ is used three times in (1Cor 1:20,2:6,3:19) Those three scriptures are emphasized by three words used in all three: God, world and foolishness. Go to Mark 4:19 because he sums it all up!And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.” Sounds like now huh?

Okay, back to “Age” and the End of the Time. Currently, we are in the celestial sign of Pisces and this symbol happens to be two fish. This is not coincidence at all because the two fish then is a celestial symbolism of Jesus himself. The majority of Christ's disciples were? Fisherman. How many fish did Jesus use the feed the multitudes of people, when he fed them fish and bread? Two. (Matt.15:32) Jesus told Peter and John to have faith, cast their nets and if they did their caste will be in abundance, what ere they catching? Jesus told his disciples that he was a fisherman for man or of men. So, Pisces is the celestial symbolism for Our Lord, Jesus Christ and is the ‘AGE’ of or in Greek Term the ‘AEON’ of Jesus Christ.

This is interesting; Gemini was the celestial Age or AEON of Noah and the Great Flood. Now in the 4th age or the celestial age of Taurus began and the divine host was Moses. During the Age of Taurus Moses God’s chosen ones were slaves and in bondage. The symbol of Taurus, half-man and half-horse is another way of symbolizing the Pharaoh’s workhorse or slaves. They made brinks from mud and straw; much different from our current time, everything was very much manual with no help from modern tools. The firstborn plague, where Lambs Blood was used on their doors for Passover, as well as, Ending the Taurus AEON and beginning Aries, bullhorns were removed from homes and temples commanded by Moses and replaced by ram horns, Moses and The burning bush. Transitioning into The battle between Moses and King Rameses, Moses parting the red sea and bringing the Hebrew tribe out of bondage Aries is the symbol of Fire, God wrote the Ten Commandments with his fiery finger, and Moses casting out the Golden Calf.

Interesting enough, Our Celestial ‘Age’ or our AEON imagery symbolizes key events in our Christian Religion.

Now, as I stated previously, we are in Pisces and Jesus stated he would return at the end of the age or time or AEON. Which would be 2012, would it in Tebeth (January) 2012 or Marchesvan (November) 2012? Or how about 2025 according to the Sacred Year?

As Jesus stated, No man knows not even the angels in heaven knows but know your signs because a good servant is always ready for his Master to come home~!