Count Down

The Contellation PiscesPreview

2012 Is the Ends the Age of Pisces and the beginning of The Aquarius Age. Each Astrological Age is said to be about 2,150 years Long. Esoteric Christian tradition, which is believed to be at the beginning of the Aquarius Age, a Major Discovery for Human beings and is said to be so dramatic that the discovery brings forward true and real knowledge…. Jesus speaks about this in Matt 13:11 and Luke 8:10

Pray Page~!

Tiff's Prayer Page~!

I hope you enjoy these prayers and may our Father be with you and yours~!

"Love one another, fore I have loved you and the Father loved me."
            Pray for the ones you love---Pray for your enemies--
                                Just Pray~!!!!

   Yes, prayer for your enemies because our Savior commands for us to pray for those who have hurt us.
Why you ask? Well, to make a long story short. Jesus, teaches us to forgiveness and love.

We have to forgive in-order to be forgiven~! 
(Matt 6:14-15) KJV 
"For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will the Father forgive your trespasses." 

   We are not talking about trespassing on someone’s lawn.
In our holy word, the word: trespass, is used to represent sin.

Sin = Trespass, Transgressions, offence, and iniquities.
   We learn the many representations of the WORD SIN from Job, when Job was begging God to speak to him.

                                               (Job13: 23) KJV
"How many are my iniquities and sins? Make me know my transgressions and sin."

So, we have to forgive and pray for our enemies. At times, this is SO HARD TO DO~! I've had words with Father God over this one~! But we have to do his will. The reason we have to pray for those who have hurt us and offended us is because all water runs down hill. 

Offence is a domino effect that happens over and over. Now I'm not saying all the time but the majority, the person who has hurt us was hurt that same way by someone-else. By praying for our enemy we are praying for the source of sin; because trust me, you are not the only person your enemy has hurt. So, by praying for the healing of your enemy you in-turn are praying for the source, that causes a lot of pain to be healed.

For example: That ole yesteryear 'School -Yard Bully’. (This is something that people of all ages can identify with because we all know someone who was bullied around in school.) We all know someone who dealt with that, shoot, some of us have that type of person in our family, one who likes to throw their weight around, run select ones down, while making family members feel bad about themselves. Family members who are bullies are the worst kind and normally gossip about others, say things that offend and hurt people as well as keeps drama and turmoil stirred-up all the time.

Now, the majority or the time and there are those exceptions to the rule; for the most part, the bully has been bullied. The offender causes hurt and offence because they first where hurt by someone else in their life. Our bully has been a victim to the evil snares of offence; therefore, they go about their lives hurting others because they were first hurt.
Our Lord teaches us to forgive and pray for our enemies and this way we are praying for the source of pain.

(Matt.7: 12) NIV

“Do for others what you would like them to do for you:
This is a summary of all that is taught in the Law and the true way of the prophets.”


This Prayer was for someone I had never met before but the holy spirit gave me these words for him.......

Tiffoney Greene
July 8, 2010 3:42 PM

My Father in Heaven, I would like to take this time, to pray for Jimmy A. Please lift him up, Father, and place Jimmy in the light of your love and protection. Father, relieve him from the pain that Satan is putting his body through. Release his Earthly shell from the pain that binds him. Father God, glance down and whisper " NO More!" Take that pain Father, take it! Take it away now, In the Name of Jesus Christ, take that pain from his Earthly shell, Father.
Lift Jimmy up, Father, lift him up. Let him enjoy the time he has left here. Let Jimmy enjoy the time he has left, in his own way Father. Let there be a response for Jimmy's request, Father. Let the wickedness of the wicked be bound~! I rebuke all wickedness out of Jimmy's Life, Father God, bind it now, out of the lives of his family members as well as Jimmy. I rebuke it out NOW, IN THE NAME OF JESUS Christ!
My Father, My God, My One -guide Jimmy to spend quality time with his wife and daughter.Give him the strength he needs. Let there be love offerings given to Jimmy, Father. Let certain ones show Jimmy (respect) in his Last days and let there be help for them, Father, let this help come so over-whelming Lord, that Jimmy's wife and daughter will know in their hearts, "that was the work of God himself". Father God,-Let No Man, Women, Child, nor Demon detour your will for Jimmy and the lives of his family members, Father. Let thy will be done~!
Thank you, Father, THANK-you for the blessings you give us each and everyday. Let us not take our blessings for granted, Father, because sometimes the smallest ones are the largest.
Thank You, Father, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Jimmy, may you and your family be Blessed~!
Tiffoney Greene

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Free us from Oppression

Breaking Oppression Prayer I wrote
By: Tiffoney Greene

Free Us from Oppression, Father..

My Father in Heaven, hear my cry, heal my pain and arise as my ‘Great Avenger.’ Father God, my pain is endless; my heart has been tormented and cut so deep that my soul bleeds. Father, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end.
Break the chains they’ve bound me in, Father, free me from this oppression in my life and the depression because of it. Hear my voice Father, awake for me in thy anger, let the wicked hear your thunderous roar and feel the wrath of your justice.
Free us from the curses of left handed magic conjured up against us. Father God, free us from the bondage of the unclean, hypocrites and non-believers. Father, banish all of their evil spells, voodoo, hoodoo, and all forms of the occult. Break all the curses that have been placed over me and my family; that have kept us from happiness, joy, stability and prosperity.

My Father, My God, My One, I rebuke all curses, spells and left-handed magic in the name of Jesus Christ. I now bind all unclean works, all unclean spirits both seen and unseen out of my life and the lives of my family; I rebuke them in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Father God, I bind all evil, all wickedness, all the hurt, all the pain, and all left-handed magic in my life.
Father, bind their lips, bind all lips that bear false witness, gossips, lies and sows discord among our family and neighborhood. Father, bind all tongues that are quick to speak evil against us, Father, bind those tongues of the occult and mouths of the wicked. Father God, bind the hands that are quick to do wrong against us, by taking our food, money and clothing. Bind those hands that try so hard to take your blessings from us. Father God, I bind all evil, all wickedness, all the hurt, all the pain, and all left-handed magic in my life. Father, I bind all the slander and gossip in my life. I bind them and rebuke them all in the name of Jesus Christ. I rebuke all unclean and wicked things out of my life and the lives of my children in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Thank You Father, thank you for your love, mercy and protection~!
In Jesus Christ's name...Amen....
Thank You Father, thank you for all those blessings....
Thank You...

I love you Father God~!!!


You ask, How can One Deceive All Nations????
My Answer, They took away the tools
we needed to learn the truth; in the beginning~!!

How could One Insure Victory in the End?
My Answer, take away the truth in-order
to insure victory!!

Well, NOT ANYMORE!~!! Drink this in People!
If you have questions, contact me at
I will be doing bible studies, speaking arrangements teaching
the truth, ect...

Prepare our End is Near....

What Time is it???

Age or AEON

Now, My ad was to give free bible study for those who want to learn because we are living in the end time~! Jesus said know your signs, do you know your signs? (Matt 24:36) “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, not angels of heaven, but my Father only.” There are many scriptures that indicate the rapture, now this becomes a sticky situation because some scholars believe it to be the rapture of the church, however, I or my opinion, I believe Matt. 24:38-44, is describing the rapture of man and not the church but others would beg to differ. (Matt24: 38-44) “ 38For as in the days as before the flood [The flood of the days of Noah] they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that No-e entered the ark. 39 and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. On that day, everything will be normal and everyone will be carrying on their everyday lives, doing their normal routines when the great rapture will happens. Oh, Jesus comes and gets his chosen ones BEFORE the tribulation. 40”Then shall two be in the field one will be taken , and the other left. 41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken and the other one left.”Okay, this describes the rapture. Now, 42-44 Is telling us to know the signs, live each days as our last and a good servant is always ready for his master to come home; in other words, always be ready for our Lord’s return. You can look that up yourself~!

Now, why would the mere word “age” be important? Yes, Jesus said know your signs but what did our Lord say about ‘age’?

Jesus said he would return at the end of the age, which originally was, I will return at the end of the Time

1. I will teach you about “age.”Age is translated from the Greek word ‘AEON’ meaning “relative time duration, limited or unlimited, indicating a period of time.” AEON has been use in our Bible for telling ‘eternity’ and this is interesting AEON also is used in Greek translation to representation meaning “KOSMOS”- now, when “KOSMOS” is then translated into English meaning “World Order” Oh, it gets better, depending on the version you have, KJV, ‘world order’ is used three times in (1Cor 1:20,2:6,3:19) Those three scriptures are emphasized by three words used in all three: God, world and foolishness. Go to Mark 4:19 because he sums it all up!And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.” Sounds like now huh?

Okay, back to “Age” and the End of the Time. Currently, we are in the celestial sign of Pisces and this symbol happens to be two fish. This is not coincidence at all because the two fish then is a celestial symbolism of Jesus himself. The majority of Christ's disciples were? Fisherman. How many fish did Jesus use the feed the multitudes of people, when he fed them fish and bread? Two. (Matt.15:32) Jesus told Peter and John to have faith, cast their nets and if they did their caste will be in abundance, what ere they catching? Jesus told his disciples that he was a fisherman for man or of men. So, Pisces is the celestial symbolism for Our Lord, Jesus Christ and is the ‘AGE’ of or in Greek Term the ‘AEON’ of Jesus Christ.

This is interesting; Gemini was the celestial Age or AEON of Noah and the Great Flood. Now in the 4th age or the celestial age of Taurus began and the divine host was Moses. During the Age of Taurus Moses God’s chosen ones were slaves and in bondage. The symbol of Taurus, half-man and half-horse is another way of symbolizing the Pharaoh’s workhorse or slaves. They made brinks from mud and straw; much different from our current time, everything was very much manual with no help from modern tools. The firstborn plague, where Lambs Blood was used on their doors for Passover, as well as, Ending the Taurus AEON and beginning Aries, bullhorns were removed from homes and temples commanded by Moses and replaced by ram horns, Moses and The burning bush. Transitioning into The battle between Moses and King Rameses, Moses parting the red sea and bringing the Hebrew tribe out of bondage Aries is the symbol of Fire, God wrote the Ten Commandments with his fiery finger, and Moses casting out the Golden Calf.

Interesting enough, Our Celestial ‘Age’ or our AEON imagery symbolizes key events in our Christian Religion.

Now, as I stated previously, we are in Pisces and Jesus stated he would return at the end of the age or time or AEON. Which would be 2012, would it in Tebeth (January) 2012 or Marchesvan (November) 2012? Or how about 2025 according to the Sacred Year?

As Jesus stated, No man knows not even the angels in heaven knows but know your signs because a good servant is always ready for his Master to come home~!